Haiyan Kangyuan Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.

Kangyuani meditsiin paistab CMEF 90. meditsiininäitusel

12. oktoobril 2024 avas Shenzheni maailma näitusel ja konverentsikeskusel suurejooneliselt 90. Hiina rahvusvaheline meditsiiniseadmete mess (CMEF). This exhibition attracted medical technology elites from all over the world to discuss and display the latest medical technology and products. Haiyan Kangyuan Medical Instrument Co., Ltd., as an exhibitor, with its self-developed full series of urinary system, anesthesia respiratory, gastrointestinal medical consumables products appeared in CMEF exhibition, becoming a major highlight at the exhibition site.


Sellel CMEFil on suurejooneline ulatus, mis koondab suurepäraseid meditsiiniseadmete tootjaid, meditsiinieksperte, teadlasi ja seotud ettevõtteid kogu maailmast. The sound of people was boiling and the flow of people was surging at the exhibition site, and the booth of Kangyuan Medical was even more crowded, attracting the attention of many visitors and industry insiders.

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Postiaeg: 14. oktoober2024